Chanakya Mandal Parivar – Foundation Course

Features of Foundation Course

Knowledge of the 'Self'

In life there are many roads to success. Neither academic achievement nor engineering or medical are the sole markers of success. This course teaches you to identify your strengths and weaknesses and choose the field which is best suited to your character and personality.

“Everyone is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will spend its entire life thinking it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein

Study Skills

Skills essential for self study

In today’s fast changing world it is important to constantly update yourself by learning new skills. We cannot rely on the skills learnt in college to last throughout our careers. This module teaches you to take charge of your learning and to master any topic through your own effort rather than relying on any tutor or the education system. In short it teaches you “learning how to learn”.



“Children must be taught how to think not what to think”

यत्तदग्रे विषमिव परिणामेऽमृतोपमम् ।

तत्सुखं सात्त्विकं प्रोक्तमात्मबुद्धिप्रसादजम् ॥ १८-३७॥

That which is like poison at first, but in the end like nectar, that pleasure is declared to be SATTVIC (pure) born of the purity of ones own mind due to Self realisation.

                                            -Geeta Chapter 18 Verse 37

Communication Skills

This module teaches you how to communicate effectively and get your message across to the other person. The focus is both on verbal and the nonverbal aspects of communication since research has proven that more than 70% of a speaker’s message is contained in nonverbal cues.

Industry 4.0.

The 21st century is the age of the fourth industrial revolution which includes advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics. Studies have shown that 65% of existing jobs will be automated in the near future. In an age when computers will do most of human jobs humans must learn to do that which the computers cannot. This module makes the students aware of the ongoing technology changes, how they will affect our personal lives and how to survive and thrive in the face of these new challenges.

Creativity Development

This module teaches you how to nurture and cultivate creativity in your walk of life.
We bust popular myhts such as “creativity must be inborn and cannot be learnt” or that “only certain fields such as poetry or artistry require creativity”.
Here we teach various skills such as – out of the box thinking, design thinking, algorithmic thinking and lateral thinking.

Studying National Issues

Students are made aware of the most persistent issues facing our country and the world. This includes issues such as caste prejudices, illiteracy, national integration (Kashmir) etc. Our emphasis here is to go beyond a mere bookish understanding of the issue and actually interacting with the people and learning through experience. We firmly believe that a first rate personality is utterly useless if not devoted to the service of nation and humanity.

‘Diary of a Decade of Agony’

Students are encouraged to read this book written by Dharmadhikari sir. It is a memoir of his journey as a karyakarta of Bharat Mata from 1976 to 1986. Dharmadhikari sir has worked on the most persistent and intractable national problems during these 10 years.

‘देहाकडून देवा कडे जाताना मध्ये देश लागतो आणि आपण या देशाचे देणे लागतो.’ –स्वातंत्र्यवीर सावरकर.  

Bharat Darshan

Study tour called Bharat Darshan is Planned so that the students could visit various organizations and NGO in different parts of India and Understand there working by closely observing them in action

National Integration Park

An NGO named Aseem Foundation founded by our friend Sarang Gosavi works tirelessly to further integrate Kashmir with Bharat. Aseem has constructed a memorial park to honour the awardees of the Param Vir chakra. Students are taken to visit this park where the day is filled with fun and information games and activities.

Heritage Walk

Pune has a rich history, a glorious tradition and culture right in the heart of the city. Historian and expert Dr. Ajit Apte takes the students for a walk around the city centre where he makes them aware of the glory that surrounds our everyday streets.

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Reading Skills

‘Reading is next to breathing’ – We have already instilled this thought in the students of Chanakya Mandal Pariwar.

Our goal is to make students enjoy reading books, to make their reading more profound, to develop a scientific technique of reading, to open the doors of knowledge by introducing them to various books and reference books.

Transformation of students

See what you can learn with Foundation Course

Knowledge of the ‘Self’

Identify Different Career Paths

Regular Interaction with Talented Individuals in Various Fields.

Study of Nation and Current National Issues

Study Skills, Communication Skills, Active Personality Skills

Learning Through Activities
[Such as Palvi, OMP (Outdoor Management Program) and Trek, Bharat Darshan, etc.]

Creativity Development

Sessions by Avinash Dharmadhikari Sir

Frequently Asked Questions

Actually, there are no education requirements for this course. Anyone who is between the ages of 15 and 30 may enrol in this course. The first and second years of a degree can typically be the best years to take this course because of the variety of skills that are taught in it.

We implore those who still have a few years before the competitive test to take this course without a doubt. In order to prepare for competitive exams, one must learn a variety of subjects. Various bibliographies must be studied. While doing this, time management is of immeasurable significance. Maintaining emotional equilibrium while taking such exams is crucial. It takes special preparation to comprehend social events, study them in depth, and develop opinions about them. In the modern world, we think that being tolerant of rapidly evolving technology can make understanding technology easier. The foundation course teaches the aforementioned abilities in addition to many others.

  • Incorporation of new, exclusive modules.
  • This course can be pursued within the college schedule
  • More sessions by experts in various fields.
  • Each module will be taught in a comprehensive manner.
  • Plenty of time to complete the activities given in the hours

The foundation course is conducted in Marathi. In our experience, students whose schooling has been in English but whose mother tongue is Marathi do not encounter any issues. Additionally, where appropriate, our professors also explain many concepts in English when required.
