
Shri. Avinash Dharmadhikari (Ex-IAS)
Founder-Director – Chanakya Mandal Pariwar


I was an IAS officer of the 1986 Batch of Maharashtra Cadre. After I resigned in 1996, I established a public charitable trust by the name of Chanakya Mandal Pariwar with the following mission statements:

  • ‘To develop youth with global consciousness and competence.’
  • ‘To develop professionals with national character.’

In light of these mission statements, we carry out a number of activities to create social awareness amongst the youth. we also strive to provide an enabling environment to the device and enact apt solutions to the problems faced by our society and our nation. (To know more about these activities click on Not a Class)

I am happy to approach you with a request to donate to the educational work of Chanakya Mandal Pariwar.

As we head for completing 25 years of our work we seek to develop funds for: –

  1. Offering high-quality education for all – especially, the poorest of poor sections of society.
  2. Completing our building – ‘The Temple of knowledge at Warje. The first phase of this ‘Vastu’ was completed back in 2014. After completion of phase II, it would be a modern, eco-friendly, green state-of-art ‘Temple of knowledge’ where thousands of youth are engaged in the pursuit of knowledge to enable themselves to serve the people, the country. This will also ensure that students get a safe learning accommodation in the same place.
  3. Building a corpus fund so that Chanakya Mandal Pariwar’s work can progress on the basis of a stable fund.

And for conceiving and implementing many creative educational activities & concepts through which youth will serve the country, the people by achieving excellence & creativity in their own chosen walk of life.

Looking forward to your responses.

For more information about Chanakya Mandal Pariwar’s Philanthropic & Social activities please Click Here

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