Why “Chanakya”?
Arya Chanakya: Perhaps the pioneering prime bureaucrat- scholar. The thinker who realized the dangers of foreign invasion. Chanakya Mandal Pariwar has tried to awaken a corrupt exploitative, anti-people and inefficient regime. When the power-drunk corrupt regime refused to wake up, he sacrificed his career, went into wilderness organized and inspired the young generation from the commonest of the common strata of society.
He affected the political revolution which unified India and repulsed the foreign invasion. Having achieved all this he renounced all positions of power and wrote the eternal treatise ‘Artha Shastra’.
Our Faculties

Shri. Avinash Dharmadhikari (IAS)
Founder, Director - Chanakya Mandal Pariwar Former, Director General of Nehru Yuva Kendra Sanghatan

Mrs. Poorna Dharmadhikari
Trustee, Secretary Chanakya Mandal Pariwar

Dr. Bhooshan Kelkar
MS and Ph.D in Artificial Intelligence, Former Country Manager for the University relations of IBM, Faculty & Trustee, Chanakya Mandal Pariwar

Ms. Rohini Gutte
M.Sc (Biotechnology)
Trustee- Chanakya Mandal Pariwar, Selected as Nayab Tahsildar (2016),
Faculty for Geography, Environment & Biology
Author of 'Indian Agriculture'

Adv. Siddharth Dharmadhikari
Faculty for Polity, Modern History & Foundation Course
Author of International Relations

Mr. Swapnil Mungale
B.E. (E & TC), B.A. (Public Services)
CEO, Chanakya Mandal Pariwar, Faculty for Ethics, IR & PSIR (Optional)

Mr. Abhijit Shinde
B.E. (Computer Science)
Faculty for Polity & Economy, Author of Indian Constitution, Politics and Laws

Mr. Ketan Sande
MBA (Finance), B.E.(Civil)
Faculty for History, IR & PSIR (Optional)

Mr. Mayur Patil
B.E. (Mech)
Faculty for Economy, CSAT, Current Affairs, Agronomy, International Relations & PSIR (Optional)

Major Renu Gore (Retd.)
Served 10 years in Indian Army Senior Faculty- Chanakya Mandal Pariwar

Mr. Dhananjay Tupe
B.E. Mechanical, Appeared for UPSC Interview 2021, Teaching Since 2018

Adv. Anmol Sabu
B.Tech Production, MA History, LLB, Teaching Since 2018

Mr. Dnyaneshwar Tidke
B.E. Mechanical, M.A. History, Teaching Since 2018

Mr. Rahul Roshan
B.E.Electrical, MA Anthropology (pursuing)

Mr. Saurabh Torawane
BA Marathi, BA & MA History, NET, Pursuing PhD In History, Teaching since 2021

Mr. Mayur Gaund
BE Mechanical, Teaching since 2017

Mr. Prashantraj Jadhav (PSI)
BE Mechanical Teaching Since 2018

Mr. Sachin Hiswankar
(Science Expert)

Mr. Akshay Ghatge
B.E. Mechanical, LLB (Appearing), Teaching Since 2018

Mr. Jeevan Thombre
(Expert Faculty)

Mr. Roshan Rajput
BSC Botany Teaching Since 2018

Dr. Kuldeep Singh Rajput
M.A, UGC- NET Sociology & Education, Ph.D in Sociology, Teaching Experience of more than 10 years

Mr. Kaustubh Gosavi
Masters in Geology