UPSC classes in Pune, Various guidance batches are organized at the Chanakya Mandal Pariwar for the preparation of UPSC examinations. The duration, eligibility conditions, fees, and all other details differ from batch to batch. Students must understand all this well and then take admission and prepare to take admission. At the same time, it is suggested that you can take a degree or post-graduation in the same efforts of your studies for competitive examinations. Also, take a look at the “Abhyas Mahotsav” camps held twice a year. Each one is suggested to choose an option best suited to him/her depending on available time, priority, educational qualification, etc. But once you have chosen a particular option, we insist that you do it with full devotion. Doing it as and when possible, as time permits will neither be helpful to you nor will it be acceptable at Chanakya Mandal Pariwar.

For this we suggest the following time schedule :
Firstly our yearlong Foundation Course This course should preferably be done during standard 11 or in the first year of a degree course. The preparation for CSAT and the newly introduced Paper IV of Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude in the Main Examination is done this year. More importantly, this is the course that gives a proper direction to one life. The optional subject should be decided so that that can be linked to your degree.
Then, our yearlong Preparatory Course should preferably be done in the 12 standards or in the FY / SY. The preparation of GS is done this year and primary guidance for the selected optional subject is given in this year.
Then, UPSC classes in Pune / UPSC Comprehensive Course This should be done while pursuing a TY of degree course so that you may appear for the UPSC exam the same year. If you wish to concentrate on TY and want the time for it, you may do the Comprehensive course after TY. But again that year you may have an important post-graduation exam. Thus, this may continue to happen year after year. Hence, we suggest ‘earlier the better, i.e. you may do this course while doing your TY itself when you have just become eligible to appear for UPSC; because you must not forget that it ultimately also matters for your seniority in service and hence concentrate on achieving success at youngest possible age.
Course Start:
Sadashiv Peth (Pune)
19 Sep 2022 06.00 To 8.00 PM
Sion (Mumbai)
02 Sep 2022 06.00 To 8.00 PM
10 Jun 2022 06.00 To 8.00 PM
Warje (Pune)
19 Sep 2022 06.00 To 8.00 PM
About Batches :
Duration: Entire year. Generally commences in the second week of June and goes on till April, the next year. The program is divided into two sessions. The Abhyas Mahotsav held twice a year is also included in this course.
Eligibility: Students appearing for the UPSC examination to be held at the time of the end of this course.
Medium: English.
General Studies: Guidance on General Studies and CSAT for 2 hours daily. Four hours on Sunday. Weekend batch is also available having 4 hrs. input per day on Saturday and Sunday. Detailed guidance for certain selected optional subjects: Given separately on Saturday and Sunday. The guidance for optional subjects like History, Political science, Public Administration, Geography and Marathi Literature is available. The inquiry for this year’s classes can be done at the office.
Design of the Course: The two parts of this course are as follows1) The second week of June to April, next year. Combined n guidance for Prelims and Main Examination. Emphasis on Main Exam first and then on the Prelim exam. Mock papers for the Main exam in December. Starting the preparation for a preliminary exam from the second Abhyas Mahotsav in January.
2) Model test papers in April for preparation of Prelim exam in May on General Studies (GS) and CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test).
Special Features of the course
• Combined guidance for Prelims, Mains and also to an extent, Interview.
• Shri. Dharmadhikari Sir’s session per week.
• Detailed guidance for the subject like Compulsory English, Compulsory Marathi, General Studies (Prelims & Mains), CSAT, Essay, etc.
• The course is run as per module pattern (please see the explanation of this concept in the MPSC chapter).
• Sessions by special visiting faculty.
• Printed notes and practice question sets are given for General Studies.
• Special video sessions are organized.
• ‘Abhyas Mahotsav’ twice a year are included wherein stamina for 12 to 14 hours continuous study is developed. Also, an opportunity for dialogue with expert visiting faculty by means of questions and answers and guidance by them is made available.
• A rich library and 24-hour study room are available.
• The competitive exam preparatory magazine (in Marathi) named “Chanakya Mandal” is given for the course duration, published by us.
• Personal guidance and counseling with Dharmadhikari Sir.
Guidance by previously successful students is made available.
Duration: Approximately 4 months. December to April. Inclusive of the second ‘Abhyas Mahotsav’ in January
Screening Test: Â Is conducted before admission
Eligibility: Students appearing for the UPSC examination to be held in May, at the time of the end of this course.
Medium: English.
Guidance for General Studies and CSAT: 2 to 4 hours of guidance daily.
Design of the course:
1) It starts at the end of December. Goes on until March, the next year.
2) Model Test Papers for both the papers General Studies and CSAT in April for preparation of the Prelim exam in May.
Special Features of the course
- Shri. Dharmadhikari Sir’s session per week.
- Guidance for both General Studies and CSAT.
- Printed notes for General Studies and practice question sets for CSAT are given.
- Special video sessions are organized.
- A rich library and 24-hour study room is available.
- The competitive exam preparatory magazine (in Marathi) named “Chanakya Mandal” is given for the course duration, published by us.
- Personal guidance and counseling with Dharmadhikari Sir.
- The course is run as per module pattern (please see the explanation of this concept in the MPSC chapter).
- Includes a 2 day Mains Answer Writing Workshop on 27, 28 June: Guidance about Mains Answer writing by Dharmadhikari Sir, other toppers from recent years
- Special Guidance sessions on Essay, GS IV
- Includes Mains Test Series:
- Sectional Tests
- Full-length tests
- Questions to be set by Dharmadhikari Sir who has a proven track record of setting UPSC standard question papers for more than 23 years
- Answer Sheets to be evaluated by Dharmadhikari Sir who is known for giving marks on the lines of actual UPSC scores
- Test discussion session on every test by Dharmadhikari Sir
- Personalized one to one feedback for every student by Dharmadhikari Sir
- Provides a document containing important pointers for all questions
- This is a special course only for students who have cleared the Prelim exam of that year.
- The special feature of this course is Dharmadhikari Sir himself sets and evaluates the papers of each and every student with elaborate feedback, especially for all GS, Essay, and History, Political Sc and Pub. Admn. Optional. Geography and Marathi Optional papers are done by other senior faculty members.
- Duration of Course: Approximately 1 month ( This course starts immediately after the result of the Prelim exam.)
Other features of course
- Regular sessions with Dharmadhikari Sir.
- Lots of practice for answer writing and essay writing.
- Papers are checked by Dharmadhikari Sir and other expert faculty and improvements are suggested personally.
- Group discussions with some experts are organized.
- Special sessions on current events.
- Guidance by previously successful students is made available.
- A rich library and 24-hour study room are available.
Residential study camp twice a year for rigorous preparation of UPSC and MPSC exams
Every year Chanakya Mandal Pariwar organizes 2 intensive residential study camps for preparation of UPSC and MPSC exams. The first study camp is organized generally in the month of August and another in the month of January. August camp emphasizes on study for Mains. January is the time when the notifications of the UPSC examination are round the corner, so this camp is deliberately organized to start the preparation for Prelims.
A daily schedule of these camps starts at 7 am and goes on till 9 pm. One of the important purposes of this camp is to toughen our students, to make them capable of putting in hard work for 12-14-16 hours a day.
Outstanding and eminent personalities and experts from respective fields have a dialogue with the students regarding subjects of study.
The following are the names of few such personalities who have previously spoken to students: the then Finance Minister of Maharashtra Shri. Jayant Patil, former PWD Minister Shri. Nitin Gadkari, the then Home Minister of Maharashtra Shri. R. R. Patil, Umeshchandra Sarangi (IAS Rtd.), Dr. Nitin Kareer (IAS), Smt. Meera Borwankar (IPS), Bhishmaraj Bam (IPS Rtd.), well-known environmentalist Shri. Mohan Dharia, leader of the co-operative movement in Maharashtra Shri. Balasaheb Vikhe-Patil, Dr. Sudhir Bhongale, Retired Forest Officer Shri. Madhavrao Gogate, Director Observatory Dr. Medha Khole, Scientist Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar, etc. Throughout these camps Shri. Dharmadhikari Sir conducts one session daily.
In Abhyas Mahotsav detailed guidance is provided by the successful students and expert faculties on the subjects like syllabi, study material, study methods, paper solving techniques, previous year question papers, practice papers, important topics for the current exam, etc. Some printed notes are also provided. Students may take advantage of personal counseling as well. This camp proves to be beneficial especially for those students who cannot otherwise, for some reason, do the entire long duration course. They can get back to their native places and do their own study after the camp. Students of our regular course are automatically enrolled for this camp.
Throughout the ‘Abhyas Mahotsav’, arrangements of food for all participants are made at the place of the camp. Some sessions are combined for all students and these are mainly conducted in Marathi. Other sessions are conducted separately for respective courses and batches. Their medium is English or Marathi according to the course.
This batch starts immediately after the Main Exam is over. Guidance for the interview is provided in two rounds at Chanakya Mandal Pariwar. The first round is held immediately after the Main exam and second round after the result of the Main exam. This course helps to give clarity to students to study for possible questions that could be asked in the interview. Group discussion sessions with senior and expert faculty members are organized. A three-day workshop is organized for the same.
Mock Interview: The interview panel comprises of many extremely senior and expert officers. Video shooting of the interview is done and other candidates can watch him live. Students also conduct practice interviews amongst themselves.
courses for upsc
Special Features -Â
Shri Avinash Dharmadhikari himself conducts interviews of the students.
Expert interview panel of 5 like UPSC, inclusive of senior officers, retired officers and subject experts.
Video shooting of each interview and facility for students to see it.
Difficulty solving and elaborate personal feedback session.
Facility to view videos of mock interviews of our previously successful students.
If the student wants a video copy of the mock interview can be obtained by paying extra charges.
Module Pattern
All batches follow a “Module Pattern” of teaching. So what is “module pattern”
- Module pattern means subtopics of General Studies are taken one by one and a complete guide for that particular subtopic is completed continuously without breaking or interrupting the flow of the subject. Notes for that particular subtopic are also given at the same time and after completion of teaching a practice test is also conducted. Thus, this pattern ensures that each subtopic is concretely imprinted on the student’s mind. Excluding the subjects which are your degree subjects, all other subtopics are unknown and new for you. Only if you take up these subjects one by one and learn them in an uninterrupted manner, can you master them? It is our experience that this pattern proves very useful.
But, in this pattern it is obvious and unavoidable that some subjects will have to be taught towards the end of the course. Sometimes some students are afraid of the fact that we are approaching the end of the course and not a single lecture has been conducted for a particular subject. But this is not at all something to be afraid of, because every subject is going to be taught as per its sequence. On the contrary, the subjects which will be taught in the end are taught to you just before the exam and remain fresh in your mind. It is also our experience that if students adjust their self-study timetable with the classes they are benefited even more.
About UPSC Exam
- About Exam
- Eligibility And Attempts
- Preliminary Examination
- Main Examination
- Interview
- Services
All India civil services are the most prestigious services of union and the state governments. These services offer the highest positions and attractive pay-scales. In addition to security, they provide status and power and above all tremendous opportunities to serve the people. The examinations held by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) are highly competitive, and they require sustained efforts and systematic preparation. The results of the past examinations show that intelligent and hardworking candidates have a good chance to succeed, though the performance in previous examinations has no co-relation as such with the success or failure in civil services examinations. Thousands of candidates appear for these examinations from all over India, and it is, therefore, absolutely necessary to face them with thorough preparedness. One must strike for excellent results and its groundwork should begin right at the college level. The nature of civil services examinations is quite different from university examinations. The questions asked in the past examinations are not generally repeated. Naturally, selective studies of certain topics or casual approach to subjects do not help in such examination. The objective type of examination requires pin-pointed and exact/accurate knowledge and correct understanding. The system of examination A combined examination for civil services ( for recruitment of IAS and other group services) is held once a year in two parts: Preliminary and Main Examinations. In Maharashtra, it is held at Mumbai, Nagpur, and Aurangabad. An interview is part of the Main Examination. Preliminary, Main Examination and Personality Test (Interview) are the three stages of the entire examination process. The notification for Prelims is published on the UPSC website (, generally in the month of January / February. Forms are to be filled online. Structure of the examination here are two papers GS and CSAT of multiple choice type. In the CSAT paper, there are multiple-choice type questions and your method of thinking such as your comprehension skills, interpersonal skills, communication skills, logical and analytical reasoning, data interpretation, problem-solving and decision making, mental ability, English language skills (for some of these questions there is no Hindi translation provides). For General Studies all-inclusive and a broad base of studies is required. Age: An open category students must have completed at least 21 years of age before August 1 of the year in which he/she is to appear for the examination. For general category applicants, maximum age allowed is 32 years. For OBC applicant maximum age is 35 years and for SC/ST applicant maximum age is 37 years. Educational Qualification: The candidate must hold a degree from any Indian university or a deemed university or possess an equivalent qualification. (Candidate’s marks at degree level or the course duration are not considered.) A candidate who is in the final year of his degree course can apply and appear for the Preliminary Examination. However, she/he should submit proof of her/his degree qualification while applying in August for the Main Examination, if selected in Prelims
All India civil services are the most prestigious services of union and the state governments. These services offer the highest positions and attractive pay-scales. In addition to security, they provide status and power and above all tremendous opportunities to serve the people. The examinations held by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) are highly competitive, and they require sustained efforts and systematic preparation.
Preliminary Examination All India civil services are the most prestigious services of union and the state governments. These services offer the highest positions and attractive pay-scales. In addition to security, they provide status and power and above all tremendous opportunities to serve the people. The examinations held by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) are highly competitive, and they require sustained efforts and systematic preparation.
Main Examination All India civil services are the most prestigious services of union and the state governments. These services offer the highest positions and attractive pay-scales. In addition to security, they provide status and power and above all tremendous opportunities to serve the people. The examinations held by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) are highly competitive, and they require sustained efforts and systematic preparation.
Interview All India civil services are the most prestigious services of union and the state governments. These services offer the highest positions and attractive pay-scales. In addition to security, they provide status and power and above all tremendous opportunities to serve the people. The examinations held by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) are highly competitive, and they require sustained efforts and systematic preparation.
Services All India civil services are the most prestigious services of union and the state governments. These services offer the highest positions and attractive pay-scales. In addition to security, they provide status and power and above all tremendous opportunities to serve the people. The examinations held by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) are highly competitive, and they require sustained efforts and systematic preparation.