1.Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence.
Source: This quote is being cited from “Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr – CEO – Mayflower-Plymouth”
2.Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
Source: Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. In “The Defence of Poetry” 1821, Shelley claimed that “poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world”. This has been taken to suggest that simply by virtue of composing verse, poets exert some exemplary moral power – in a vague unthreatening way. This essay by Shelly argues that poetry is mimetic: that is, it reflects the real world.
3.History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man.
Source: George Orwell. Orwell articulates the liberal to progressive to socialist mentality as, “On the one side science, order, progress, internationalism, aeroplanes, steel, concrete, hygiene: on the other side war, nationalism, religion, monarchy, peasants, Greek professors, poets, horses. History…is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man.” Yet in doing so, he also critiques technological optimism despite being sympathetic to it. He also sees the dark side of technology. “Modern Germany,” he wrote in 1941 in the middle of the war, “is far more scientific than England, and far more barbarous.”
4.“A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ship is for.”
Source: John A Shedd 1928 in his book “Salt from My Attic”. He was an American author and professor. In 1928 he wrote “Salt from My Attic”.