Pune, Mumbai, Sambhajinagar


Introduction to our Foundation Course

Are you ready to unlock your full potential and master the essential skills for the 21st century?

Look no further! Chanakya Mandal Pariwar proudly presents its flagship Foundation Course, a transformative program designed to equip you with the skills you need to excel in every aspect of life.

Course Start:

Sadashiv Peth (Pune)

14 July 2024

Warje (Pune)

14 July 2024


Various Skills taught in the Foundation Course:


There are many paths to success in life.Merely doing engineering or medical does not mean success. A course that teaches you to identify your own personality traits and tendencies and follow where your head is going.

“Children must be taught how to think now what to think..”

In today’s fast-changing world, it is necessary to constantly learn new skills. School doesn’t teach you how to learn and rather it teaches us what to learn..? We do exactly that. Self-study skills are self-learning from scratch -any subject.




Many intelligent persons among us do not succeed in practical life in spite of their intellect, capacity, and capability. In contrast, seemingly not so intelligent persons succeed in practical life. Why? Social scientists are constantly striving to find the answer. They are unlikely to ever come out with the perfect answer because it will be impossible to prepare a concrete formula for success. And also, the criteria for success will differ.

This makes it impossible to confine success in a particular framework. In view of this, it is possible to argue that skills in practical life – speaking and behavioral skills – are also as important along with intellect. Such skills are called behavioral skills. One must be able to gauge the person in front of you (one must be able to gauge oneself ). One must understand the dynamics of relating to a person, pair, small or large groups. Practical training in the methods of transactional analysis and lateral thinking in vogue in the West can be useful. It has been included in the Best MPSC Classes in Pune.

Self-study must be accorded greater importance in the education system. In fact, if original, deep and self-reliant personality is to be developed, everyone should know the do’s and don’ts about how to study well on one’s own. At the very primary stage such as learning the alphabets and numbers, spoon-fed training will be necessary. But as soon as a student is literate and on his own, he must explore his horizons on his own. A teacher’s job is to point out the horizons and to encourage the student to explore them; not to lead the student everywhere by the hand all the time. So the students must absorb the art of self-study. This involves training in faster reading and better reading, taking down good notes (of books, discussions, speeches; and solving question papers – objective type or essay type) and use of an encyclopedia. And the word self-study conveys two meanings – study by self and study of self.

Education should give maximum importance to helping a student to awaken his creativity; (character formation comes above creativity development. But it is taken for granted. Without character, creativity turns demonic). We now have available scientific methods to awaken and develop creativity. These methods continue to be further refined through improvement and correction because creativity development does not follow a simple and straight mathematical formula like 2+2 is 4. In fact, a human being can never be fully defined in a mathematical framework. It is impossible to fathom this creature. In spite of being aware of all these facts, creativity development is the top priority subject in the Foundation Course for the Best MPSC Classes in Pune.

Not only do we need a great personality,we also need 21st century skills – But for what? For the service of motherland. In this module we will learn about following subjects. This subject will also be made more appearing through a variety of media, including books,movies,documentaries, and podcasts.

“What good is a first rate personality if not used in the Service of Society?”

  • History
  • Economics
  • Agriculture,Geography
  • Polity
  • Questions of Indian Social System

“देहाकडून देवाकडे जाताना मध्ये देश लागतो आणि या देशाचे आपण देणे लागतो.”

1.Bharat Darshan

Study tour called Bharat Darshan is planned so that the students could visit various organizations and NGO in different parts of India and understand there working by closely observing them in action.

2.National Integration Park

To understand the problems faced by the bordering areas, our students visit the national Integration Park at the foothills of Rajgad

“अभी भी जिसका खून ना खौला, वो खून नहीं पानी है।

जो देश के काम ना आए, वो बेकार जवानी है।”

3.Heritage Walk

We do not know the heritage of the place where we live our daily live our daily life. I.e In this unique heritage walk of Pune’s history, Historian Ajit Apte Sir guides the students on this Heritage Walk explaining then the great history and culture of Pune.

4.CIDM(City Institute for Disaster Management),Mumbai

5.Relief work for flood victims

‘Reading is next to breathing’- We have already installed this thought in the students of Chanakya Mandal Pariwar.

  • Our goal is to make students enjoy reading books, to make their reading more profound
  • To develop a scientific technique of reading
  • To open the doors of knowledge by introducing them to various books and reference books

“A person who won’t read has no advantage over who can’t read..” – Mark twain

“दिसामाजी काहीतरी लिहावे, प्रसंगी अखंडीत वाचीत जावे” – समर्थ रामदास स्वामी

Every Sunday various activities and games are conducted for leadership, team building, time management, group discussions, debates, communications skills, talent development to provide experimental learning.

During these activities, students learn from their own mistakes and develop themselves.

“There are no defeats in life, there are only victories or lessons to be learnt”

One of the subjects that forms part of Chanakya Mandal Parivar’s Foundation course is crowd management. Every year Chanalya Mandal Parivar manages the crowd with the Pune Police to give the students a hands-on experience of the subject. It is also intended that the future officials can directly interact with the people through this activity.

Students of Chanakya Mandal participates in the management of the procession for 24 hours on Anant Chaturdashi. It aims to develop mental strength in students.

1.Monsoon Trek

At the beginning of the foundation course, we take children on a trek to Korigarh during monsoons. The aim of this trek is to let the children know about the forts, their history and their conservation. Also during this trek different activities related to team building, leadership and management are conducted.

2.Winter Trek

Usually in the month of January or February, this residential trek to Rajgad tests the willpower of the students. Various competitions are organized as part of this trek.

4.OMP(Outdoor Management Program)

Students have the opportunity to put the skills you’ve acquired throughout the year into practise in this final section of the course. Students are primarily assigned tasks outside of the classroom during this time.

  • Team Work
  • Time Management
  • Leadership
  • Coordination
  • Delegation
  • Communication
  • Planning
  • Execution
  • Resource Management
  • Reporting


“सहजं कर्म कौन्तेय सदोषमपि न त्यजेत्।

स्वे स्वे कर्मण्यभिरतः संसिद्धिं लभते नरः।।”


Following activities are performed during Palvi

The course ends with a Palvi camp perfect for various artistic qualities. The camp organizes various competitions to develop teams of students and give them a chance to showcase their talents and abilities.

  • Storytelling
  • Lectures
  • Music
  • Dance
  • Theater
  • Games

The following things are introduced to maintain physical and mental health

  • Yogasana
  • Karate
  • Aerobics
  • Trekking

“युक्ताहारविहारस्य युक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मसु।

युक्तस्वप्नावबोधस्य योगो भवति दुःखहा।।”


“प्रयत्ने वाळूचे कण रगडिता तेल ही गळे”

The first term of the foundation course ends with a fort building activity.In this, groups of students are formed and assigned the responsibility of building a fort. The fort of the students is completed before diwali.

In order to give scope to the various talents of the students, to create a platform for it, the ‘Artist of the Month’ competition is held every month in the foundation course.Students are given at least three subjects in this competition. Students have to present these subjects through their own art. Students participate in this competition through many art forms like painting,poetry,writing,dance,sculpture.

“Art is an absolute medium to express the Creativity within you”

We are moving forward in the era of ‘industry 4.0’.In it Globalization,intense competition,ever-changing technology, and the impact of that technology on the world are all challenges. An international report says that, if career choices are not made wisely, 

“65  percent of existing jobs will disappear in the near future”.

So while deciding and building a career, we have to consider many changing dimensions, with this Industry 4.0.

Therefore, this course teaches what exactly students should do, self-study-flexibility and continuous multi-dimensional learning.

“जो दुसऱ्यावरी विश्वासला| त्याचा कार्यभाग बुडाला | जो आपणचि कष्टत गेला| तोचि भला ||”

Whatever the problem, scientific techniques have now been developed to solve them by analyzing them, considering all the probable options without any shackles on the intellect, categorizing the options and then reaching the solution. Basic to these techniques is the science of how to think, the realization that an independent thought process is possible and the techniques of independent thinking. Each alternative has its own plus and minus points. The step of reaching one’s own decision after a deep and comparative study of each of the alternatives is important. The responsibility for a decision taken in such a manner lies with no one else but us. It’s very important to accept responsibility for one’s own decision, even if it is proved to be wrong.

A little child starts taking its first steps. Stumbles down. Generally when it falls what do we say? ‘Oh, my dear child! Who made you fall? This table… damn it! This chair… hell to it!’ Unknowingly what are we teaching this kid? If you fall, it’s because of someone else. And if you walk nicely, then ‘you are the bundle of all virtues put together.’ At least now our kids are not infants. At least now they should be taught to take their own decisions. They should be told, ‘we will help you in the brainstorming, but let the decision be yours.’ In the future, they won’t get depressed, once they learn to take responsibility for their decision. How to solve problems confronting one in real life without being bogged down or without surrendering to them is another priority subject in the Foundation Course. (All the subjects that follow are priority subjects. So no need to keep repeating the priority statement).

Presenting one’s view is communication. Whether it is to be presented to one person, two or a group. Even if it is to be presented to oneself and for oneself, it is communication only. Dialogue with self is a beautiful experience in communication. Communication can be written involving training in writing skills. It can be verbal, meaning public speaking skills (discussion, participation in and conduct of group discussion; listening to others without uttering a word, ability to listen carefully and being a good listener are also important skills). Even our merely being there, not saying a word with movements, getting up and sitting, speech, eyes, and face to communicate. Our very silence can say a lot. This is body language. Systematic training in all these has been included in the Foundation Course. It is vital to be able to present our view, to first have the necessary confidence to do that, to have a clear perception of our view and basically to have something to say – often those who have nothing to say keep talking and those who have something worth saying are reluctant speakers, remain silent and are ignored. There is an apt saying in Marathi: those who can shout can sell even cucumber but those who cannot, cannot sell even Alphonso mangoes. That is why the need for training in communication skills.

“Who you are to speak so loudly i can’t hear what you’re saying”

Management skills have assumed great importance all over the world. And rightly so. At this stage, it will not be necessary to teach the students a lot of theory, mathematics, models, and graphs. Here, the emphasis will be on simple management skills for everyday use in life such as how to manage one’s various responsibilities; how to set priorities; how to increase efficiency; how to plan one’s work; and, very important, how to manage time. This training will help the student to absorb these skills so as to make one’s personality and work more impressive and oneself more efficient. It may include classroom teaching as well as be conducting outdoor management games.

Leadership skills do not mean leadership in the political sense. It means taking initiative in every work in hand in all walks of life; doing things on one’s own; and cultivating traits necessary for achieving success. Just as this leadership is not political leadership, it is also not leading other persons or groups. It is leading oneself. This is a vital skill to be acquired during the training.

It is not necessary that every person should have a multidimensional personality. Some may have so great a single dimension – playing or singing talent, humor or skill at administration – that all other dimensions will not only pale into insignificance but will also prove to be meaningless and ignorable. This can happen after one has chosen one’s field of work. In fact, unless something of this kind happens, it will be impossible to achieve towering success and contribute something fundamental in any field. But that comes later. It is crucial to blossom and develops along all the lines while one’s character is formed during the young days. Therefore, it is necessary to consciously expose oneself to as many fields as possible and bloom in a multidimensional way. So the Foundation Course for IAS IFS IPS IRS MPSC UPSC Coaching Classes in Pune will show the students good films. There will be sessions on how to appreciate films. The students will be acquainted with all the aspects of drama, music, literature, science, arts, and sports. No one knows when one strikes the right note of his/her life. When one does so, who knows, these students may devote their whole life to one of the fields. They will reach the heights of success there. But before striking that note, one should at least get introduced to all the fields. This is the basic concept behind all the effort.

The students will get the experience of story-telling, bird-watching, stargazing and trekking through hills and valleys. They will have to perform given tasks singly, in twos or groups. They will have practical exercises like residential camps in tents outside the city, living in rural areas, participating in shramayadnya meaning physical labor, plowing fields, digging trenches, building roads and constructing latrines. It is vital for the new generation to imbibe the principle of the dignity of labor through such experiences.

The science of yoga is a major heritage not only of India but also in the entire world. Basic training in yoga should become a compulsory part of all the educational systems all over the world. Postures, pranayama, healthy dietary habits and ˜dhyana (concentration – meditation) form part of the training in the Foundation Course. All young boys and girls must go in for an exercise in a big way during the personality development process. The exercise should include yogic postures, sit-ups, Surya namaskars, weight training or aerobics. Students will be introduced to all these forms. It will be up to them to choose later for themselves what they like.

The Foundation Course will introduce the students to various educational and professional courses. Today, there is a general misconception that only certain educational courses like engineering and medicine, or certain professions (in Maharashtra, only jobs) mean a successful life. The Maharashtrian middle class nurtures only one ambition – somehow get and stick to a clerical job. Away from these beaten tracks, there are many new educational and professional possibilities. The new generation should be more and more aware of the possibilities of self-employment.

The Foundation Course will take on that task.  Chanakya Mandal Pariwar also conducts an independent, full-fledged course on Entrepreneurship Development. We make it a point to introduce it to the Foundation Course students.

Several youngsters unnecessarily nurse a fear-complex about written and especially spoken English. Of course, excellent command over English is an essential prerequisite to success in the global competition. (Not only English, but you must also be fluent in Marathi, Hindi, Kannada, Bengali, etc). The Foundation Course will provide you training in that.

Why Foundation Course?

It is basic skills course (Soft Skills) That can be applied to any profession, including competitive exams. The name ‘Foundation’ comes from the fact that this subject strengthens and lays the groundwork for your future academic and professional endeavors.

In the future, logical and autonomous thought, summarizing abilities, problem-solving abilities, and decision-making abilities will be necessary for anyone seeking employment as an administrative officer or in any other responsible position. In the modern educational system, values like talent, fresh thinking, study, intellectual originality, entrepreneurship, and character development seems to have been lost. The ‘Foundation Course’ offers empirical instruction in some of these abilities.

Soft Skills = Life Skills

There are no educational requirements for this course. Anyone who is between 16 to 30 may enroll in this course. The 11th standard or first and second years of a degree can typically be the best years to take this course because of the variety of the skills that are taught in it.

We Implore those who still have a few years before the competitive exam to take this course without a doubt. In order to prepare for competitive exams, one must learn a variety of subjects. Various reference books must be studied. While doing this, time management is of immeasurable significance. Maintaining emotional equilibrium while taking such exams is crucial. It takes special preparation to comprehend social events, study them in depth, and develop opinions about them. In the modern world, we think that being tolerant of rapidly evolving technology can make understanding technology easier.the Foundation Course teaches the aforementioned abilities in addition to many others.

  • Incorporation of new, exclusive modules
  • This course can be pursued within the college schedule
  • More sessions by experts in various fields
  • Each module will be taught in a comprehensive manner
  • Plenty of time to complete the activities given in the hours

According to our observations, learning is enhanced when students are given the chance to put the skills they are learning in the classroom to use. Therefore, we plan different games for students each week. Students learn skills like leadership, a ‘team player’ mindset., patience, and improved thought processes through these games. Through these activities, students learn which aspect of personality needs to be improved.

The foundation course is mainly conducted in Marathi,English words are mentioned wherever necessary. To excl in any career field. ‘Mastering your MotherToungue’ is an important formula accepted worldwide in the field of education. We accept this formula in Chanakya Mandal also.

“कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन ।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि ॥”

Since 1996 Foundation Course is offered by Chanakya Mandal Pariwar. Over the past 26 years, Foundation Course students have excelled in various fields of life along with competitive exams. Our students like Vishal Solanki Sir(IAS,2008), Hrishikesh Modak Sir(IAS,2008), Vaibhav NImbalkar Sir(IPS,2009), Vishwanjali Gaikwad Madam(IAS,2008), Aarti Kulkarni Madam(Journalist), Sagar Palkar Sir(Mountaineer), Nikhil Farate Sir(Naib Tehsildar,2020) who have done foundation course have made their mark in different fields.

Palvi Youth Festival

The summer course, i.e. the third term in May brings with it a 4 day residential festival in tents. The planning, preparation, and organization required to be done for it are expected to be done by students themselves. This is an annual youth festival filled with tremendous enthusiasm. This festival is organized in the third summer session of the course among truly captivating non-stop events like theatre games, story-telling, lectures, knowing how towering personalities became towering personalities and lots more about their life, music, painting, artwork, origami, dance… and many more of such enthusiastic activities. This is the ‘practical’ of all skills learned during the whole year. Students are divided into teams and various competitions are organized among them. Each one has to participate here. Group singing, group dance, one-act play presentations, storytelling, debate, poetry, parody, jokes, mimicry, quiz on current events, Antakshari, funfair and enacting by mime are few of the variety of competitions organized. Excellent food facilities are provided. The young minds start budding and sprouting once they experience the free-flowing breeze and stay in tune with nature. Many a time, pre-monsoon rains also mark these days by their presence and add bright colors to the picture described above. These days there are many flashy and showy superficial youth festivals which are actually nothing but chaotic situations.

Studying the problems of the country

Finally, this must be made absolutely clear – why personality development and all these things? For a successful life. Of course for a happy, joyous and rich life. But along with that, one has to study the society around us, the country, the world, and the environment. The educational system must inspire the students to make them capable of and willing to try and solve the problems of the country in the field of their choice. The Foundation Course plans to do that. We want to make the future administrators getting in service through UPSC and MPSC to be activist officers.

Personality development and the problems of the country

Chanakya Mandal Pariwar will endeavor to transform into reality this disciplined, institutionalized, educational design through the Foundation Course. The design is easy to convey and understand (and even to bring into reality). It is to be done step by step : First Step: Know oneself (through Aptitude, IQ, and EQ tests), recognize one’s strengths and non-strengths. Second Step: Chalk out one’s educational plan based on strengths. Third Step: Plan the professional career on that educational background. Fourth Step: Achieving excellence and creativity in that chosen field of life. Thus, “to make an effort to know what national issues are faced in one’s chosen educational and professional field, to study them and use the educational and professional skills of one’s personality to solve such issues faced by the country” is what Chanakya Mandal Pariwar defines ‘Patriotism’ as. Now, in the present-day situation, ‘patriotism’ does not mean anything artificial but it means – being excellent, creative, efficient and professional in your field. We are trying to raise an army of such patriots and the Foundation Course is aimed at this.

Nowadays, there is increasing awareness regarding Human Resource Development everywhere. Because everywhere there is a huge and increasing demand for human wealth full of great skills and values. Many people in the country are in great doubt regarding transgression by multinational companies. If the nature of the world today, the fast-changing economy, tremendous scientific and technological advancement, etc. are taken into consideration, the world becoming smaller and coming closer is unavoidable. So now, instead of worrying about it and being in doubt, we must prepare to win over the world with our creativity, talent, excellence, and self-confidence.

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